Our services

Sealers & Densifiers

Concrete sealers and densifiers can be applied to any concrete to protect it from damage and staining. Sealers & Densifiers also leave a matt or gloss sheen to concrete.

4000 sqm

Supply & Install
For a professional finish

Sealers & Densifiers

Concrete is a porous material and therefor can absorb liquids and oils, which can penetrate into the concrete causing it to expand and crack. Other chemical spillages can also cause the concrete to discolour and stain.

  • Using a sealer or densifier will protect the concrete from these issues by either penetrating into the top surface of the concrete or creating a barrier on the top.

  • Perfect for internal or external applications.

  • We can supply and install a varierty of sealers and densifiers for your next project.

Services > Sealers & Densifiers

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